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Plan and think like a cheesiest. If you can, do not delay with buying the parts

Plan and think like a cheesiest. If you can, do not delay with buying the parts

How important is a quick decision? In ordinary life, sometimes it is better to think twice, but if someone is looking for industrial automation parts, then - especially nowadays - he should not delay too long.

The last few years have taught us all. First, almost the whole world experienced a pandemic, which showed that the structures of global dependencies built over the years are not as perfect as it seemed. Of course, someone might say at this point that it was impossible to predict that right after the virus attack and the closure of borders, the world would have to face war.


Everything that we considered safe and secure for so long lost its value in an instant and became obsolete. Isolation of countries, broken supply chains, problems with the production of components that were previously available on the market to be enough for everyone. Nobody thought about stockpiling or anticipating apocalyptic scenarios. Since it was good and for years nothing in this matter - apart from, of course, growing dependencies, for example in relation to China - changed, why plan a few steps ahead?

Time has shown that this was disastrous thinking that had a hiccup in many companies, even those that were considered giants on the market.

The pandemic, however, is not the only log that has been thrown at the feet of the business. For half a year, hostilities have been taking place across our eastern border, and the international community has been advising what to do with Russia, which is acting here as the bestial aggressor. As if that were not enough, in the last weeks there has been a very serious exacerbation of the situation in the Pacific, which may soon bring completely unpredictable consequences

This is just the beginning

The visit of Nancy Pelosie, President of the House of Representatives in Taipei, had an effect on the Chinese like a rag against a bull. After all, it is no secret that they recognize Taiwan as their sphere of influence and consider such actions simply as hostile.

In the context of the global market situation, it is of great importance, if only for two main reasons.

First of all, we are talking about Taiwan under the microscope, which is a leader in generating revenues from the production and export of semiconductors, i.e. precisely those components that are increasingly missing on the market. According to the TrendForce report, Taiwan currently accounts for 92 percent of the total production of these most advanced semiconductors, and half of that track is accounted for by local giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC).

Second, any disruptions in the Taiwan Strait may have unpredictable consequences. Only this year, 88 percent of ships with goods passed through its waters - according to tonnage. It is therefore not surprising that the Chinese maneuvers around the Island, which were in response to American actions, raised considerable anxiety. If there were a complete blockade of Taiwan and the aforementioned strait, the entire global system would suffer.

Don't delay

At this point, we come back to the issue that arose at the beginning, i.e. making quick decisions. This is crucial for those who need to think like chess players of their businesses when planning a few moves ahead.

As Automation Trader, we strongly encourage our clients to plan. Even if they do not need a specific part at a given time, when calculating the risk or simply making the appropriate stocks, it is worth choosing to buy when the components are available and can be imported within a reasonable period of time.

The situation on the market is so tense and volatile that often the availability and prices of given parts can change from day to day. Ultimately, the client should not be interested in it, because he always expects the end result. A better understanding of the conditions - including geopolitical ones - will, however, allow you to arrange the decision-making process in such a way as to avoid problems, nerves and, at the end of all bills, it can result in measurable financial savings.

So if you are wondering whether to buy - our advice is - do not hesitate! Buy now.

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