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Price is not always the most important! Customers rely on trust and professional service

Price is not always the most important! Customers rely on trust and professional service

It would seem that the most important thing in business is price. It is logical that when deciding to buy a specific good, the key issue that we pay attention to is its cost. As it turns out, this is not a rule at all.

Why such a bold thesis, especially at a time when every zloty and euro are carefully examined from both sides before being spent? Based on your vote, which we recently asked for in a special poll.

In it, we asked about issues that are absolutely crucial in our industry and give us an idea of what customers currently expect. We wanted to find out what is most important to them when using the services of a company from which they source industrial automation parts.

I can pay more

We have included four possible options in the survey. The first was, of course, the mentioned price of the components, as well as the possibility of negotiating it. This option seemed completely natural to us. It could be assumed that if the company has the opportunity to purchase the same part from two sources, it will choose the one that is simply cheaper, or the one whose price can be reduced by negotiation.

However, only 8 percent of respondents chose this answer, which may seem a bit of a surprise.

It turned out that voters appreciate other aspects more and it is they who decide about their final purchasing decision much more often. The answer "full part specification" came second in our poll. 

It comes as no surprise that this is essential knowledge and if the seller is able to provide such data, it is only to his benefit. In this case, we are talking not only about the product page, but also about the conversations that sellers conduct with potential customers. They usually ask, wanting to get as much information as possible and be sure that they are buying exactly the component they need. A company that offers full specifications immediately inspires more trust and looks more professional, and thus is able to attract more customers. This is the option in our poll selected by 10 percent of voters.




Trust and professionalism

Two other options had many more indications. As it turned out, very important, if not absolutely crucial, is the issue of availability and fast shipping. So if we are looking for a specific component, and our proven supplier not only has it in stock, but is also able to ship it efficiently and safely, we know that we have focused on a proven partner. Importantly, what was indicated by 38 percent of voters has long been on the Automation Trader banners. - For us, it is an absolutely key issue - said CEO Maciej Szczotka, who runs the company. - Reliability and speed of deliveries is one of our hallmarks on the market and something we take very seriously - he added.

And finally, the famous "strawberry on the cake", the option that was selected by the most, as many as 44 percent of people in the vote. Of course, it is about professional service from A to Z - from the availability of a specific component during its search, to the happy delivery of the package as soon as possible. - The client is willing to pay more if he knows that he is dealing with a trustworthy partner. Some may offer lower prices, but this is less important in the case of a proven seller who maintains the highest standards of professionalism on each episode - concluded Maciej Szczotka.

Such results of the aforementioned probe show quite clearly what are the expectations towards suppliers of industrial automation parts, and although they may seem surprising to some, they finally reflect how the industry works (although this is not an exception). Trust and professionalism are invariably the most valuable currency.

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