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Rebuilding Ukraine? Polish business must get involved and be ready

Rebuilding Ukraine? Polish business must get involved and be ready

- After all, this war will not last forever, and they (Western corporations) want to be prepared. They will already know everything and have ready-made solutions thanks to which they will be able to enter Ukraine right away and carry out their plans - Tomasz Mackiewicz, head of the Center for Research and Development of Modern Technologies, said in an interview with Automation Trader.

The Russian aggression against Ukraine has been going on for more than 500 days, but it is important to remember that sooner or later the soldiers will leave the trenches and it will be necessary to return to normal - although it sounds abstract today - life. However, in order for this normality to once again come home to Ukrainians, it will be necessary to rebuild the country. This is where the involvement of Western business, but not only, will be essential.

Gigantic project

- The end of the conflict in Ukraine will automatically result in the need to get on with rebuilding it. Of course, the private sector will enter there, but first the ground will be prepared by the heads of state. And it will take place in this order. First the representatives of the states, then business, which will fly on the second plane to deal with all these contracts - Mackiewicz said.

- Business would probably manage on its own, too, but let the countries get along first. Let a space be prepared in which business can move - he added.

Rebuilding Ukraine will be a huge undertaking. After all, we are talking about a country that was rated very high in various rankings before the war broke out. The finale of hostilities will therefore be, in the case of our eastern neighbors, an opportunity - albeit at a huge cost of destruction and human lives - to take not a step, but several steps forward.

- And if Ukraine takes advantage of this, it could turn out to be one of Europe's major industrial centers in just a few years. Well, because there is no denying it, innovative plants will be built on this rubble and human misery. There won't be some kind of reconstruction there, but everything will be put up from scratch in modern technologies," admitted the head of the Center for Research and Development of Modern Technologies.

Development lever

- For Ukraine, this should be a huge lever for development. After all, this country has great potential, not only in terms of terrain, but also in terms of people and economy. If one were to look at the world map, Ukraine was in TOP5, TOP10 in many industry rankings," he added.

According to Mackiewicz, Poland must not miss its chance in such a situation, both as a state, but especially as a business. Our role during the war was quite special, and therefore, watching the actions of the biggest players, we also need to be on standby so that - when the time comes - we can step in and actively help rebuild Ukraine.  - It would be good for Polish business to be involved in this. On its own, it may have problems with this, which is why the local government or the government has its role to play. To stimulate and give credibility. And it's not like the state is doing this charitably either, because it obviously has a purpose in this. The country's economic development, tax revenues, increased spending on education and so the circle closes - said our interviewee.

- As Poland, we are at least culturally closer to this part of Europe than the Portuguese, Italians or Spaniards. Therefore, our companies should take advantage of the fact that this barrier to understanding the other side is not so high. Especially in the context of how we behaved after the war broke out - he continued. - We helped them, and it seems to me that so subconsciously they will be - maybe not so much obliged - but just grateful and will feel that it is closer to each other.

We cannot waste this opportunity

Will Poland succeed? Some preparations for post-war activities are already underway, so if one keeps one's hand on the pulse, one should have no trouble catching the train with the destination "reconstruction of Ukraine." - Western corporations are already designating plots of land for investment in Ukraine. After all, this war will not last forever and they want to be prepared. They will already know everything and have ready-made solutions with which they can immediately enter Ukraine and implement their plans.

- I encourage Polish companies to do this as well, because this is not some secret knowledge. It's logical and additionally there are signals being sent from all over the world. Since the biggest ones, such as Volkwagen, Toyota and Fiat are already doing it, we have to be ready for the fact that along with them a number of partners will be needed there to fulfill various other needs - concluded Tomasz Mackiewicz.

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