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We were right! This is not something to be spared on

We were right! This is not something to be spared on

In the pages of Automation Trader, we have devoted a great deal of space to issues relating to cyber security in the industry. We have drawn a picture of how important this issue is and how it will grow in importance in the future. And what did we find out? That we were right.

Strength and responsibility

Being curious about the world is now something that can give you a really substantial advantage. Technological development is so fast that you only need to lose your bearings for a moment to fall far behind the competition. Development also leads to more and more opportunities, gives power and power. To paraphrase a pop-culture classic, great power is great responsibility, so it is necessary to be able to foresee the risks and perceive the dark side of progress, of which there are many.

This is why we invited the great cyber-security expert Ryszard Korzeniecki to our studio some time ago to talk about the scale of the danger we are already facing and what may await us in the near future.

We must defend ourselves

According to Korzeniecki, awareness of how to protect ourselves from attacks coming from cyberspace is constantly growing, including in this supreme, i.e. state, perspective. - I have no doubt that the state makes sure that the level of security in the cyber sphere is adequate. In order to get it, first of all, we have to comply with the relevant security directives,’ he said.

In this case, the state must take care of its critical infrastructure, but that is not all. Business is also at risk, and the more lucrative and profitable it is, the more likely it is that there will be those who want to make dirty money out of it. 

It just pays

- In the case of the state, it is of course critical infrastructure. Critical buildings, tunnels, water pipes, etc. These are all those strategic points on our map that, when annihilated or stopped, cause massive disruption to the state. And such facilities are - although I would not like to use the word - obliged to do certain things and must secure themselves, he added.

- As far as attacks on business are concerned, in my opinion, very simple arguments play their role here. Business is followed by money and this is the temptation to make a big and easy buck. This is the thinking of the people responsible for the attacks. Maybe we can do it. Let's give it a try. Out of ten companies, two are bound to succumb. Easy money,’ said Ryszard Korzeniecki.

It is our duty

All of this leads us to the conclusion that cyber security is not only worth investing in, it is actually necessary. In 2024, it is no longer a matter of choice, some additional activity in a company or a government department. It is an obligation.

And according to the latest ABI Reaserch report, the global market for cyber security solutions will soon double in size compared to the previous year!

The market is going from strength to strength

Just a dozen months ago, the aforementioned market was worth $12.75 billion. By 2028, it is estimated to grow to nearly 22 billion. In telegraphic terms, this will mean that global spending on OT and IoT cyber security will surpass that on IT-related security. 

This was aptly described by ABI Reaserch's chief industry cyber security analyst, Michael Amiri. - The device under the OT and IoT banner is just beginning to develop and there are more and more of them. Each industrial plant may have tens of thousands of sensors, routers and PLCs, and each must be protected from hostile intrusion, he said. 

- OT cyber security revenues are becoming an integral part of the overall security market. We live in a world of burgeoning Industry 4.0, and this means that the degree of digitalisation will only increase. This, in turn, means that the issue of cyber threats will also increase, and this automatically increases the demand for defence measures, he added.

For anyone interested in a comprehensive look at these issues, we highly recommend reading the interview with the aforementioned Ryszard Korzeniecki, one of the country's top cyber security experts. 


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