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Do not be afraid of used parts. You can save a lot on them!

Do not be afraid of used parts. You can save a lot on them!

When supplying your company with spare parts, sooner or later you were faced with a rather serious dilemma. Brand new components were not available and you had to use those that had already been used in other machines. What were your feelings then?

It will probably not be a great secret if we risk the thesis that everyone who has a choice will choose new parts, those that have just left the factory line or have been properly stored by a given manufacturer. Then the choice is usually obvious.

Confidence is the key

However, there are situations when the room for maneuver becomes significantly narrower, and the choice of - or so it seems - the ideal solution is not possible. This is the situation we face today, when the markets are not only trying to recover from the two-year pandemic, but also have to face a new challenge, namely the criminal Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Then what? First of all, do not worry, especially if you have previously made sure that you are adequately protected in the event of unforeseen events.

Over the years, many different myths have arisen around spare parts, or those that have been regenerated. In the text "Lies and half-truths about parts after regeneration. MythBusters in action!” we took them all under the microscope, scoring everything that could lead to a bad trade decision, and explaining that by choosing a proven business partner, you should not be afraid that the obtained component will be of dubious quality, which would definitely increase the distrust of future movements.

These mentioned doubts can also come from experiences in the automotive industry. A situation in which someone obtained a component from the disassembly of the car on the so-called scrap, and then was not satisfied with it, is not something alien. The strategy for sourcing used parts worked best for older vehicles, and when it comes to industrial automation, it's quite a related topic.

Because having a new machine in the factory - very often still under warranty - we do not bother looking for reserve options. Even if the aforementioned warranty expires, we usually still have the option to buy components from the manufacturer. The stairs start in the case of older devices, which in factories - despite the fact that we are moving more and more confidently towards industry 4.0 - there are still a lot of them.

The highest standard

The basic question in the context of used parts is whether they will meet the appropriate standards and will we not incur additional costs related to downtime by installing it in our machines? So here we come to the heart of the matter, i.e. the quality of the obtained component, the condition in which it was previously removed from another device and what happened to it later? At this point, it should be remembered that such parts are usually dismantled from operational factory lines and properly checked for their quality and operation. Paradoxically, they may be less hazardous than new parts, which, however, were stored in stock and had been lying on the shelf for years, and then were sold without prior inspection and actual condition. This is especially important for components with sensitive electronic systems that can degrade after a period of inactivity.

Here again we come to the most important issue, i.e. playing open cards with a battle-tested partner, such as Automation Trader, where we will receive a comprehensive package of data about the component from the seller before making a decision to buy a part. It is at this stage that it is decided whether the buyer will decide on a given part, and having full knowledge from a company that has not failed him before, it will be much easier for him. What's more, if the seller's declaration is not enough, the potential buyer can always ask for appropriate photographic documentation, which should dispel his doubts - at least from the visual side - whether he is buying decent equipment or a pig in a poke.

Warranty and savings

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that a good seller, when testing a part, is able to determine whether, despite the fact that it is used, it is suitable for re-use, or whether it will need to be factory refurbished. What's more, the specialists from Automation Trader are so confident that they are often able to offer a warranty period that will be almost the same as in the case of a completely new component. It is especially important in the case of remanufactured components, where the warranty is granted for the entire device, not only for its specific parts. So the fact that the customer is not left with a monthly warranty or - which is also very often practiced - only with a start-up, says a lot about the partner.

However, when using used or factory refurbished parts, you should remember about another important issue. About their availability and speed of delivery. This is crucial because in the event of a failure on the production line, there is no other option but to take immediate action. However, it may happen that at the moment it is not possible to import any part - regardless of whether we are talking about a new or used part. Then, the service should enter the action, preferably one that will be able to price the repair of a given component without shipping it.

And finally, if the previous arguments left someone still some doubts and not entirely convinced whether the selection of used parts is a good idea, we have one more argument. This time, the most influencing of the imagination, and therefore of a financial nature. First of all, used parts can cost even several dozen percent less than new ones and it is difficult to argue with that. It's just a fact. Second, opting for quick delivery of spare parts from a used catalog can lead to savings of up to 95 percent when you factor in downtime costs. The numbers speak for themselves.

So at this point you should ask yourself a basic question. Have you already bet on the right partner who will be able to provide you with all the benefits you just read about? If not, it's time to look at our Automation Trader.

Automation Trader
IT Loft Park, ul. Browarowa 21
43-100 Tychy, Poland
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